Late afternoon on 31st October I placed a large pumpkin at my front gate, a witch’s hat over the letter box and a flowing white sheet with black oval eyes and spooky mouth over the recycling bin. [...]
I want to share a good news story from France. Forward this to your friends and let’s start a similar conversation in Australia. Excerpt from the The Telegraph UK on 27 January 2017. Read the [...]
At last a good news story about fructose. But first another bad news story. Sorry. Fructose has been shown to impair brain function by changing hundreds of genes in the hippocampus and [...]
After my last HEB about sugar, several readers have asked about the difference between glucose and fructose. Many people have heard that fructose is worse for the body than glucose because [...]
The anti-sugar bandwagon is growing by the minute. Sugar has become the new fat, and ‘sugar-free’ is the modern health guru’s mantra. However many people are not really sure what the term ‘sugar’ [...]
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