Last week I flew to Melbourne to speak at the National Dementia Conference. The first thing I saw at the airport when I stepped off the plane was a billboard for ‘The Brain Drink’ pictured above. [...]
What better time than immediately after Easter to talk about sugar? Is there really such a thing as a sugar rush? What about a sugar crash? Sugar cravings? Sugar addiction? Click here to listen [...]
Did you experience stress or arguments at the dinner table when you were growing up? Did your parents offer you favourite foods when you were hurt or upset? These are two major factors [...]
Many readers have asked about the different names for sugar sprinkled liberally throughout our food supply. So here they are. If you have trouble falling asleep, forget counting sheep. Counting [...]
Late afternoon on 31st October I placed a large pumpkin at my front gate, a witch’s hat over the letter box and a flowing white sheet with black oval eyes and spooky mouth over the recycling bin. [...]
I want to share a good news story from France. Forward this to your friends and let’s start a similar conversation in Australia. Excerpt from the The Telegraph UK on 27 January 2017. Read the [...]
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