When I was approached by the UK-based charity ‘Dementia Adventure’ to appear on their podcast, the answer was a resounding yes! Click here to listen to our deep dive into how adventure prevents [...]
When I was in California in June this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Stevens, author of the book and stage play, Stage Seven (which refers to the seventh stage of Alzheimer’s), a [...]
While I was in Melbourne for Dementia Awareness Month in September this year, I spoke to Sharon McGrath, producer of The House of Wellness TV show, about how we can all defy dementia right now. [...]
I took this photo during my visit to the vibrant, eclectic, City of Music, Nashville Tennessee on the morning of my interview with Channel 9’s Today Extra. Click here to watch our conversation [...]
Unexpectedly, a physician’s journey of caring for her father with Alzheimer’s disease leads to groundbreaking insights. From reversing cognitive decline to the impact of emotional trauma, Dr. [...]
Many people have asked me what was the most interesting thing I learned at the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva. It was the impact of noise pollution on our physical health. A 14-year study [...]
Modern medicine needs to acknowledge that more than 80% of our health is determined by how we live our lives — the food we eat, the work we do, the stress we’re under, the quality of our sleep, [...]
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