Pop Up Playground’s newest adventure game, Outside: The Cloud, is intended to get couch potatoes outdoors and moving. Playing out over two months like a television serial, it takes an innovative [...]
Author of NeuroSlimming Helena Popovic says slimming down is just as much about your brain, as it is your body. She explains how the ways we think and feel while eating can affect the ways our [...]
International speaker, best-selling author and leading authority on how to improve brain function Dr Helena Popovic has been in Hobart to speak at seniors week events. David Wood catches up with her.
We know that as a nation we’re more overweight than ever. Losing kilos is a major challenge for many—despite the plethora of diet information around us. Research shows that the sugar and fat in [...]
Can breathing make you thin? Are you hungry or just bored ? Dr Helena Popovic says you can change the brain to change the body. The medical doctor and author has just written a book about the [...]
Why do most diets fail? And how can you make one work? According to Tony’s guest, Dr Helena Popovic thinks it’s all in the mind. She has written a book called NeuroSlimming where she [...]
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