We have long known that people in their 70s and 80s who walk at a slower pace, die younger. Research has now revealed that injuries aside, walking more slowly in our 40s is also associated with [...]
Recently I came across the Numeric Language of Music® (NLM) program conceived by Patty Carlson. Patty is a film score composer and producer, concert pianist and music educator. She taught herself [...]
Scientists from Western University in Canada assigned a group of men and women to ride a stationary bike at moderate to vigorous intensity for 10 minutes while a second group were asked to relax [...]
Our brain is a constant work in progress — from the day we’re born until the day we die. Everything we do, think, feel and believe either enhances or erodes our brain on a daily basis. If we [...]
You can! In fact, you can tap into the greatest minds from any period in history. On Thursday 12th November you’re invited to join Australian Reading Hour. Choose any hour of the day and choose [...]