How much do genes contribute to developing Alzheimer’s?
If anyone heard my interview on 2GB radio with Deborah Knight on 1st June 2023, I owe you an apology. In my excitement, I gave the wrong figures relating to the link between specific genes and [...]
Can Adventure Prevent Dementia? An invitation to my online book launch!
It’s been a long time between Health-e-Bytes but all for a good cause: my latest book, Can Adventure Prevent Dementia? A guide to outwitting Alzheimer’s has finally been released! The book isn’t [...]
What is Dementia Action Week? Come and hear me speak!
Dementia Action Week takes place during the third week of September every year. It coincides with World Alzheimer’s Day on 21 September, which also happens to be World Gratitude Day. The two [...]
Are you able to help me?
Many of you have asked questions relating to my first autobiographical book In Search of My Father — Dementia is no match for a daughter’s determination and whether I will write a sequel. The [...]
Think bolder, not older
At last, some good news. For the past three decades, the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other dementias has been declining across high income countries. Scientists speculate that [...]
Everybody’s Oma
When Jason van Genderen’s father became terminally ill with cancer, Jason started filming their lives so he could create a lasting family legacy. Not long after his father passed away, his Dutch [...]