The brain in your gut13/06/2017Dr Helena Popovic tells Tim and Suzy about the extensive nervous system in our gut and how it affects our physical and mental health.
What hunger games do you play?06/06/2017Do you belong to the clean plate club? Do you eat because you’re stressed, depressed or out of zest? 30% of our eating is done for reasons other than hunger. Tim and Dee Dee discuss how to [...]
The secret to lifelong slimming30/05/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee speak to Dr Helena Popovic to learn her top slimming secrets.
Think yourself slim23/05/2017Dr Helena Popovic tells Tim Webster and Dee Dee how neuroscience supports the use of  visualisation in improving health outcomes.
Why you should throw out the bathroom scales16/05/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee speak to Dr Helena Popovic to find out why body weight is not the best measure of health.
How we use words to self sabotage09/05/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee speak to Dr Helena Popovic to find out why we should lose the word ‘lose’.
Helena interviewed on Saturday Night with Warren Moore 2GB06/05/2017Warren Moore talks to Dr Helena about the importance of why and how we eat, not just what we eat.
Want-power is stronger than will power02/05/2017Tim and Dee Dee talk to Dr Helena Popovic about the science of willpower.
How can your brain change your body?25/04/2017Tim and Dee Dee talk to Dr Helena Popovic, author of NeuroSlimming, about changing your brain to change your body.
Is food porn contributing to obesity?18/04/2017Tim Webster and Suzy Yates chat to Dr Helena Popovic about the seductive topic of food porn.