A pill called Xanamem, taken once a day, is showing promise in slowing — and possibly even stopping — cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s. It may also help those with severe depression [...]
I took this photo from the lookout over Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island. It’s an ever-changing seascape that responds and adapts to the meteorological conditions it is exposed to. [...]
Researchers from the University of Melbourne have developed a tool called the Florey Dementia Index (FDI) or Florey Dementia Risk Score (FDRS) that can predict whether a person will develop [...]
Welcome to 2025! May the year bring you joy, fulfilment and the best of health. As it turns out, joy and fulfilment are in fact the greatest contributors to good health. When we feel positive [...]
On the first day of Christmas, My doctor said to me What will keep you living healthfully? On the second day of Christmas, My doctor said to me Two faithful friends Are what keep you living long [...]
Earlier this year I was interviewed by Dean Mackin on Today’s News Talk about how our lifestyles can influence the expression of our genes. The key message is that our genes do NOT determine our [...]
When I was approached by the UK-based charity ‘Dementia Adventure’ to appear on their podcast, the answer was a resounding yes! Click here to listen to our deep dive into how adventure prevents [...]
When I was in California in June this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Stevens, author of the book and stage play, Stage Seven (which refers to the seventh stage of Alzheimer’s), a [...]
While I was in Melbourne for Dementia Awareness Month in September this year, I spoke to Sharon McGrath, producer of The House of Wellness TV show, about how we can all defy dementia right now. [...]
I took this photo during my visit to the vibrant, eclectic, City of Music, Nashville Tennessee on the morning of my interview with Channel 9’s Today Extra. Click here to watch our conversation [...]
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