Dr Helena’s top tips for getting fit and healthy17/10/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee speak to Dr. Helena Popovic about how anyone can reverse obesity.
Debunking myths about Obesity10/10/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee speak to our favourite doc, Helena Popovic about reclaiming your health for World Obesity Day.
What can we do to prevent dementia?09/10/2017Jo Abi and Ricardo speak to Dr Helena Popovic to find out how we can all reduce our risk of getting dementia.
Why you should sign up for ‘Ocsober’03/10/2017Tim Webster and Dee Dee Dunleavy chat to their favourite doc about how to lose the booze to help Australian children.
Who cares for the carer?26/09/2017What do people remember most about you? It isn’t what you say or even what you do for them. It’s how you make them feel. The better you feel, the better you make others feel. Self [...]
How do you celebrate World Gratitude Day when you have dementia?19/09/2017Dr Helena Popovic discusses how anyone – even someone with dementia – can experience gratitude – and how it can transform our lives.
Dementia Awareness Month13/09/2017Dr Helena Popovic discusses Dementia Awareness Month. The theme this year is: ‘You are not alone.’
How to care for a loved one with dementia12/09/2017Maintaining a sense of meaning and purpose remain critically important for someone who has dementia. How can a carer facilitate this?
Adventure beats Dementia!05/09/2017Tim Webster and Brigitte Duclos speak to Dr. Helena Popovic to find out 20 things you can do to lower your risk of dementia.
Is sitting the new smoking?29/08/2017Tim Webster and Brigitte Duclos speak to Dr. Helena Popovic to learn why the longer you sit the shorter your life.