Do you put the toilet seat down before you flush? Flushing the toilet can produce a plume of vapour that travels faster than 2 metres per second (6.6 feet) and reaches a height of 1.5 metres [...]
Earlier this year I was interviewed by Dean Mackin on Today’s News Talk about how our lifestyles can influence the expression of our genes. The key message is that our genes do NOT determine our [...]
Many people have asked me what was the most interesting thing I learned at the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva. It was the impact of noise pollution on our physical health. A 14-year study [...]
Modern medicine needs to acknowledge that more than 80% of our health is determined by how we live our lives — the food we eat, the work we do, the stress we’re under, the quality of our sleep, [...]
Have you ever noticed that the language of modern medicine is the language of war? Western medicine wants to fight the infection, kill the virus, defeat the disease, and wage war on obesity. This [...]
After my recent Health-e-Byte about anger causing damage to our blood vessels, I was asked, ‘Is it just the stuff of movies, or can someone really die of a broken heart?’ The answer is: yes, [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
Last week I was invited back to Channel 9’s Today Extra to continue our conversation about menopause and brain health. Click here to watch. If you missed the first interview on World Menopause [...]
High blood pressure (a reading above 120/80mmHg) is a leading cause of heart disease and a major risk factor for stroke, kidney problems and dementia. Consequently, people with high blood [...]
Last month on World Menopause Day — 18th October — I was interviewed on Channel 9 Today Extra about the link between menopause and brain health. Everyone is aware that menopause happens, but not [...]
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