After my recent Health-e-Byte about anger causing damage to our blood vessels, I was asked, ‘Is it just the stuff of movies, or can someone really die of a broken heart?’ The answer is: yes, [...]
Research has found that in the hour before a heart attack, people are more than twice as likely to experience intense emotional upset or anger than during the same period the previous day. To [...]
During my recent book tour through the United States, I was privileged to speak with Lori La Bey on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio/Podcast. We discussed the key messages in each of my books, on three [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
Scientists are celebrating the discovery of a technique that will make potato chips less carcinogenic. But wait! Who knew that chips were carcinogenic in the first place? Most chips are deep [...]
Scientists can now peer into our brains to see if what we’re eating is benefiting or impairing our memory and thinking skills. This is known as Nutritional Cognitive Neuroscience. One hundred [...]
I was recently interviewed on Radio National Life Matters about the physical and mental benefits of having something to look forward to. You can listen to our conversation here. Our discussion [...]
Following on from last week’s link to my interview on the Dementia Researcher podcast, click here to listen to my conversation with Jackie Fletcher on the Fabulously Keto podcast in September [...]
After my conversation with Philip Clark in February this year, many people asked me to elaborate on what I term ‘neuro-keto-therapeutics’, in other words, using a ketogenic diet to prevent and [...]
For those who missed my presentations at the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) conference in Krakow, Poland, click on the titles below to view the two posters I had on display. The title of [...]
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