Why don’t we ever hear about the brain functions that IMPROVE with age? Yes, that’s right. Everything does NOT go downhill as we get older. Some — and only some — aspects of brain function may [...]
I was recently interviewed by Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies on Channel 7’s Morning Show about a brand new brain-booster that is very easy to implement. Click here to discover how you can start to [...]
Thank you for your ongoing interest in my audiobooks. The first book I recorded was NeuroSlimming — Let your brain change your body. I thought that recording my own book was going to be a few [...]
The greatest gift we can give to the people we love and the causes we care about is our full attention — our zest, vitality, energy, enthusiasm and life force. But we can only give these things [...]
Thank you to everyone who has started listening to the audiobook version of Can Adventure Prevent Dementia? I’m very grateful for your enthusiastic and positive feedback. In response to those who [...]
I’m thrilled to announce that Can Adventure Prevent Dementia? A guide to outwitting Alzheimer’s is now available as an audiobook. Read by the very talented trio of Ella Watson Russell, Felix [...]
Consuming alcohol on an aircraft is an underestimated health risk, especially on long haul flights. The higher a plane flies, the lower the atmospheric pressure inside the aircraft. To counteract [...]
If we want to live longer, strengthen our immune system and reduce our risk of heart attack, stroke, depression and dementia, our number one health habit needs to be cultivating close, supportive [...]
During my recent book tour through the United States, I was privileged to speak with Lori La Bey on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio/Podcast. We discussed the key messages in each of my books, on three [...]
After my recent Health-e-Byte about anger causing damage to our blood vessels, I was asked, ‘Is it just the stuff of movies, or can someone really die of a broken heart?’ The answer is: yes, [...]
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