Over several decades of medical practice, I have discovered that education is truly more powerful than medication and this is the basis for all my speaking, books, blogs and seminars.
Can breathing make you thin? Are you hungry or just bored ? Dr Helena Popovic says you can change the brain to change the body. The medical doctor and author has just written a book about the [...]
Our body has the intrinsic capacity to heal … if we let it. The same goes for allowing our body to come to rest at a healthy weight. When we don’t heal and when we aren’t happy with our body, [...]
Why do most diets fail? And how can you make one work? According to Tony’s guest, Dr Helena Popovic thinks it’s all in the mind. She has written a book called NeuroSlimming where she [...]
Medical doctor and author Dr Helena Popovic believes she’s found the missing piece in the weight loss puzzle. Her book, Neuroslimming: Let your brain change your body teaches people that [...]
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