The Twelve Days of Well-mas

On the first day of Christmas, My doctor said to me What will keep you living healthfully? On the second day of Christmas, My doctor said to me Two faithful friends Are what keep you living long [...]

The brightest of Christmas lights

On Christmas Eve my father and I are doing the Gold Coast Christmas lights bus tour. Every year hundreds of households and businesses compete for thousands of dollars worth of prize money for the [...]

Tips for the Tipsy Season

I’ve received several questions relating to alcohol so here are the answers in one concise Health-e-Byte. With the approaching celebratory season, I thought it was a good time to spread the [...]

Christmas health-e-byte 2015

To be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells Big bar bells, small bar bells Lift them all the way. Oh what fun it is to pump Some heavy weights each day, hey! Big bar bells, small bar bells It’s one of [...]

Joy to the World!

We’ve always known it instinctively, but neuroscientists have now actually measured and proved it: joy is contagious – so spread it! Happy people have happy friends and unhappy, pessimistic [...]