Faster than a speeding Ferrari!
More powerful than a supercomputer!
Able to leap at opportunities with a single thought!
Look! Up in your head!
It’s your eyes!
It’s your ears!
It’s your BRAIN!
Yes, it’s YOU – strange visitor from your mother’s womb who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond what you currently realise. YOU – intuitively knowing what is best for your body, your brain and your emotional wellbeing. YOU – passionately drawn to express your uniqueness and contribute to your fellow human.
The speed at which information travels through your brain can reach 435 kilometres an hour (faster than a speeding Ferrari).
Currently we would need more than 82,000 processors running on the world’s fastest supercomputer to mimic one second of brain activity.
A single thought can change your brain for the better.
But are you living in a cage of kryptonite?
Is your workplace built of kryptonite?
Are you feeding yourself kryptonite?
We’ve created a world in which we’re surrounded by kryptonite: elements in our environment that rob us of our strength and sensitivity. That zap our power and productivity; that drain us of energy and emotional wellbeing.
What’s your kryptonite?
Is it sugar? Soft drinks? Insufficient sleep? Your desk chair? Or is it more insidious like self-criticism or clutter? Inability to forgive? Or not living in alignment with your values?
Can you identify your kryptonite?
What can you do to free yourself from it?