The Gut Brain Revolution
Is your gut sensitive, irritable, leaky or inflamed? Are you into prebiotics, probiotics, psychobiotics, synbiotics or antibiotics? Why does it matter?
This presentation delves into the latest research linking gut health to allergies, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, depression, dementia and cancer. Restore your gut and you’ll regain your health.
We are not what we eat. We are what our gut bacteria (known as our microbiota) do with what we eat. Our unique composition of microbes influences our food choices, our mood, and the functioning of our immune system.
Our gut bacteria predict our likelihood of developing obesity better than our genes. Our bodies contain 100 trillion microbes with a combined total weight of over 2kg. That’s more than the weight of our brain (1.4kg)! The gut is even described as a ‘second brain’ because of the 100 million neurons lining its walls from oesophagus to rectum. That’s about the same number of neurons as the brain of a cat! And our gut bacteria communicate with our brain via a long large nerve called the vagus. Do you want to know what they’re saying?
Join me for a whirlwind tour of your internal ecosystem and an insight into how faecal transplants can save lives. Holy crapsule!
Learning outcomes & key take-aways
- How microbes influence body weight
- The link between our gut bacteria and a multitude of diseases
- Why different individuals can have vastly different responses to the same foods
- Why one diet does not suit all
- How to eat to your gut’s content