Who is Dr Helena?

Helena Popovic MBBS is a medical doctor, best-selling author, international speaker and media commentator.

She helps people rewire their brain to:

  • Regain their health
  • Restore their gut
  • Reshape their body
  • Re-inspire their life

Rewire your Brain

Your brain is constantly changing in response to what you do, think and feel. This is known as neuroplasticity.

Discover how neuroplasticity works so that you can rewire your brain to achieve far more than you ever thought possible.

Start now!

Take the first step to building a better brain and a healthier body by:

  • Attending a public talk
  • Experiencing a retreat
  • Reading Helena’s books
  • Subscribing to her blog
  • Listening to her podcasts
  • Booking her to speak at your event

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    Who is Dr Helena?

    Helena Popovic MBBS is a medical doctor, best-selling author, international speaker and media commentator.

    She helps people rewire their brain to:

    • Regain their health
    • Restore their gut
    • Reshape their body
    • Re-inspire their life

    Rewire your Brain

    Your brain is constantly changing in response to what you do, think and feel. This is known as neuroplasticity.

    Discover how neuroplasticity works so that you can rewire your brain to achieve far more than you ever thought possible.

    Start now!

    Take the first step to building a better brain and a healthier body by:

    • Attending a public talk
    • Experiencing a retreat
    • Reading Helena’s books
    • Subscribing to her blog
    • Listening to her podcasts
    • Booking her to speak at your event
    Contact Us

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